IIB e.V. - Collaborative partner for medical technology - top research in Germany and internationally
The IIB is part of an interregional research network with international reach in the field of medical devices. Within this network the IIB is supporting its partners in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA by offering technology platforms, as well as research and development services at the interface between science and industry. These include in particular the technology platforms introduced for the development and manufacture of active implant coatings with pharmaceutical release (local drug delivery). These technology platforms are of great importance for the network partners of the IIB e.V. in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the USA. The REMEDIS project acquired by the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rostock is funded by the federal government with 14.5 million euros over 5 years and receives bonus financing from the state government M-V in the amount of 1.5 million euros.