IIB e.V. Patner im Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Rostock

Opportunities of digitization for medical technology

We regard digitization in the German small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector as one of the greatest challenges of our time. The Institute for ImplantTechnology and Biomaterials e.V. (IIB e.V.) is a partner in the Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Rostock and has set itself the task of sensitising SMEs from the medical technology sector to the opportunities and potential of digitization.

In our Smart Laboratory, we will demonstrate how digitization can increase the efficiency of development, manufacturing and testing processes for medical devices. In addition to our information offerings, we offer you free training courses and workshops within the Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Rostock and accompany your company in concrete implementation projects. The focus here is, for example, on highly topical issues such as virtual product development using numerical simulation methods or additive manufacturing technologies.

Our support services for SMEs in brief:

  • Sensitization on the topic of digitization
  • Demonstration of the Smart Laboratory
  • Implementation of further training measures on the subject of digitization
  • Execution of implementation projects
  • Networking of competencies

The IIB e.V. is funded within the Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Rostock from 2017 to 2020 by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi).

Link to the website of the Mittelstand 4.0 - Kompetenzzentrum Rostock:
